My policies will defeat the Washington Machine and unleash the creative spirit of the American people. Rand Paul
It's time to put our country first.
Our First Amendment is only as good as our Second Amendment.
Parents should not be forced into accepting radicalized curriculums, unnecessary vaccine requirements, or mask mandates.
I will fight to protect every unborn child.
It’s time to say enough is enough and prosecute Dr. Fauci.
I will never stop working for our state, whether I’m treating an individual patient or I am fighting for our liberties in the Senate.
Our liberties are under attack now more than ever.
America’s national debt is over $36 TRILLION and needs to be taken seriously.
It is time to put an end to “career politicians.”
Burdensome taxes hurt small businesses and crush our economy.
It is by far time Congress passes legislation to hold the Federal Reserve accountable to the people’s representatives.
I believe in Ronald Reagan’s “Peace through Strength.”